Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld (Comic Set #1-4) (2023)

Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld (Comic Set #1-4) (2023)

Marvel Comics

Regular price $44.00 Sale price $30.00

AFTER NEARLY FORTY YEARS, THE MYSTERIES OF THE SECRET WARS DEEPEN! Get ready for an ALL-NEW cataclysmic battle from when SPIDER-MAN first got his ALIEN COSTUME, when a mysterious being called the BEYONDER assembled super heroes and villains from Earth to do battle on a patchwork planet—yes, witness now an untold adventure set during the original SECRET WARS! MARVEL SUPER HEROES SECRET WARS set the standard for Marvel Comics events (as well as action figures and the characters existing on the forefront of pop culture), and this new story will at last reveal some secret connections and MISSING CHARACTERS going back to the 1984 original series, just in time for its 40th Anniversary! What SECRET TEST are the BEYONDERS conducting…and how will SPIDER-MAN, the HUMAN TORCH and the whole cast determine the fate of the universe? (PLUS: Surprise super-villain appearances inside!)


BRING ON THE BAD GUYS! SPIDER-MAN, freshly attired in his new ALIEN COSTUME, is pulled from the SECRET WARS to face a NEW challenge—the might of the HOBGOBLIN, BARON ZEMO, ELECTRO, CONSTRICTOR and more! Not a hoax! Not an imaginary story! But how did THIS set of villains find their way into the BATTLEWORLD of SECRET WARS?! Only this issue holds the answer to this forty-year mystery! Do not miss Tom DeFalco and Pat Olliffe’s ALL-NEW in-continuity tale featuring SPIDER-MAN, HUMAN TORCH and a slew of surprises!


AMID THE CHAOS, THERE COMES—A CALAMITY! BARON ZEMO and the villains have the heroes in their grasp! But what discovery by the HOBGOBLIN will threaten to tear their shaky alliance asunder? Featuring SPIDER-MAN, the HUMAN TORCH and some surprise guests—but you’ll never believe the ending!


FALCON, ICEMAN, DAREDEVIL, HUMAN TORCH VS. SPIDER-MAN?! The SECRET WARS reach their peak, with the "missing heroes" of FALCON, ICEMAN and DAREDEVIL joining HUMAN TORCH at last, as the true nature of the BEYONDER'S test is revealed! Their enemy? SPIDER-MAN! A grand finale nearly forty years in the making as the full scope of the legendary original Secret Wars comes into focus!

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